Friday, May 11, 2012

Hunting With Ethan, My Grandson!

My handsome grandson, Michael "Ethan" Ramson Kelly.

I took this picture of a shadow of a deer stand around 4:00 p.m. on a November day in 2006, just after deer season opened for a youth hunt.  I had my grandson, Ethan, and we were hunting at my deer camp, Jasper Bottom Hunting Club, Claiborne County, MS.  We had a fun day hunting and he used my .270 Ruger Featherweight.  Sorry to say that this picture was the only thing shot that day!

I also submitted this picture to The Vicksburg Post in December and it was published in the paper on Sunday, January 14, 2007.  Readers can submit photos of interest to the paper via e-mail.  I was so excited to see it!

Before we started our hunt, I let him shoot my .270 rifle and as you can see, he centered a coke can.  He was so proud!  He will make a great hunter one day!  I have three grandson's and a step-grandson that are hunters now and I'm so proud of them all and will be posting their successful hunts on this blog.  

Update No. 1 - Ethan shot a doe while hunting with his step-grandfather two years ago in Hinds County and I have not received the picture yet.  I hope to someday and will post it on my blog.  

Update No. 2 - I finally got the picture from his Grandmother Jane.  So happy to see him get a nice doe with his step-grandfather, Charles Ivey.

Ethan recently joined the Air Force and will graduate on May 22, 2012, at the Mississippi Coliseum from Raymond High School.  I am so proud of my grandson and I wish him the very best and will keep him in my prayers for his new calling in life.  Congratulations Ethan!  I love you, Gran Gran

Papa Bear