Sunday, December 2, 2012

Graduation From Air Force Boot Camp

My Grandson, Michael "Ethan" Kelly graduated from boot camp on yesterday, December 1, 2012 at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX and will fly out tomorrow, December 3 to Fort Lee, Virginia for Tech training. 

To a little boy, not so long ago, that I took hunting and now he has graduated from Raymond High School and joined the Air Force in the last five months.  I am so proud of him and wish him well in his career in the Air Force.  My daughters, Debra, (his Mom), Kathy (his Aunt) and granddaughter, Lucy (his sister) and Sonya (his cousin) went to his graduation and took a lot of pictures and videos.  The family wishes him well and may God be with him and keep him safe from harm until his tour is over. 

Papa Bear