Monday, June 10, 2013

Featured In Sports Section ~ January 2013

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Rex Howell and I taken at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club where I hunt on March 8, 2009.  My hunting friend and mentor.

Friday, June 7, 2013

My Bowhunting Days

My daughter found these pictures of me last night while trying to find a particular picture she was looking for.  She called and told me about them but actually don't remember having these taken but glad she came across them to add to my deer hunting blog.  I must have been in my late forties or early fifties when I was bow hunting.  I have had no interest in about 10 years now and have since sold my bow.  I did enjoy hunting with my bow and had many memorable hunts.     

I only stuck one big doe after her two yearlings came across a levee and hit her shoulder bone and it bounced off and she took off.  Bent the tip of my broad head with blood but did not get up to the poison. 

Another time I was in a stand and had a doe just 20 feet away and when I drew back...I brushed my jacket too close and made a noise and of course it took off. 

While on the levee stand again I had three does walking the road in front of me and when I pulled back to release my arrow, it fell to the ground.  I was not very happy about that and they took off. 

It was enjoyable just being in the woods and enjoying nature and hunting before gun season opened and knowing where the deer were traveling.

The pictures above were taken at my deer camp, Jasper Bottom Hunting Club, Claiborne County at the Big Black River off of Fisher Ferry Road.

Papa Bear