Monday, December 15, 2014

Ring Deer Camp

I went deer hunting on Monday, December 8, 2014 (also, my sister Laura's 72nd Birthday) and captured this beautiful picture of a young doe eating around 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon at the Ring family property south of town.  It was the first time I had been hunting in over a year because of surgery on my rt. shoulder. Thirty-minutes later Mama doe came out to feed.  It was really enjoyable to be in the woods and get to see deer again in our great wild outdoors.  

Thirty-minutes later Mama doe came out to feed.  It was really enjoyable to be in the woods and get to see deer again in our great wild outdoors.  This made my day!  Many thanks to the Ring Family for the opportunity!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Little Fawn

Jayne Gulbrand posted this picture of a fawn on a FB page called, The Hooved Ones, a very long time ago.  She actually almost stepped on this little one while birding and didn't even see her until she was right she backed up and left her alone.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Saturday, September 20, 2014

An Awesome Buck

I'm really looking forward to hunting season since I was shot out last season with shoulder surgery.  Maybe I might see a nice buck like this one to make up for lost time!  Heck, I would be happy to get a doe or two at this point.  I really need meat in my freezer. Wishing all you hunters out there in Blogland a good hunting season!  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A 2003-2004 Hunting Season Doe

Just came across this picture of me with my doe recently.  Most likely it was taken during the 2003-2004 hunting season.  I think we were getting ready to leave the camp when someone wanted to take one last picture of me with my doe in our great wild outdoors!  

Papa Bear