Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year 2019!

To all my Blogging/Hunting friends a very Happy New Year!  I wish you a joy-filled and Blessed 2019!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas @ Christmas Place Deer Camp

I always look forward to hunting at the famous Christmas Place Plantation and Hunting Club on the edge of the Mississippi Delta near Eden, MS every year.  Here is a picture I took of the lights around the stack of deer horns in the living room at the camp.  Also, on the opposite side of the wall, there is a wild boar mounted.  I have killed a bunch of does at the camp and a 180 lb. sow and a small one using only two bullets.  One day I hope to get a nice 10 or 12 point buck there.  I've already harvested three 8 points since I started hunting back in 1986 at Jasper Bottom Hunting Club in Claiborne County.  I did not start hunting at the Christmas Place in Holmes County until season 2007-08.  Wishing all my Blogging/Hunting friends a very Merry Christmas!    

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Papa Bear