Rainy Day Cub
A couple of days ago I drove up to the Cove in a thunderstorm...and I mean some seriously hard rain. I had been stuck in the house most of the day because of the weather and I kept dozing off. Me and my best friend were going on a road trip yesterday and I had to go to bed super early to be up by 2:30 a.m., at her house by 3:30 a.m., and then make it almost to Nashville by sunrise to try and get some shots of baby otters and a momma and baby raccoon. I didn't need to take a nap if I was going to be in bed by 8ish. So, I headed up in the storm despite my husband looking at me like I was crazy to go out in it. The rain let up a couple of times but, until near sunset, it came down in buckets. As I started to leave a Momma and 3 teeny tiny cubs crossed the road in front of me. Momma was eating some sort of greens right next to my car and the babies were running up and down a tree not 5 feet from me. Since Momma was so close I couldn't roll my window down all the way, so I rolled it down enough to stick my lens out the top of the window. This sweet, soaking wet little baby was right next to me. Literally right next to me and he stared me straight in the eye for about a minute None of them were scared. They were just waiting on their Mom but, she studied my face like I was a giant in a giant machine. If anyone ever doublted how I got so close to this baby, well...the proof I have would be the reflection of me sitting in my RAV4 in his little eyes. It was just dumb luck...but, ohhhhh how I loved dumb luck at that moment on my way home the sun came out and everything was beautiful and sparkly from the water dripping from anything standing still. We had much better weather yesterday and I hope these little guys got good and dried out....but, you gotta admit he's pretty cute all sopping wet. (June 10, 2019) Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee