Friday, January 24, 2020

Gone Hunting!

Deer Gone Hunting 5 x 10 SIGN HUNTING Camping image 0
Gone Hunting in the Mississippi Delta and hope to get a deer and/or hog in our wild Mississippi outdoors.  It's the last weekend of 2019-2020 Deer Season.  Pictures to follow!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

MDWFP Orders Emergency Closure Of Hunting @ WMA

From the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks:
PURSUANT TO the authority set forth in Miss. CODE ANN. §49-1-29( a), the Executive Director, with the approval of the Mississippi Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, hereby finds that the unusually heavy rainfall during the month of December 2019 and January 2020, has resulted in extraordinarily high water levels and backwater flooding in the (Mississippi) South Delta.
The Executive Director finds that rising backwater from the Steele Bayou will soon inundate the Mahannah WMA headquarters, main entrance roads, and ATV trails. The Executive Director further finds that the high water levels present an imminent threat and peril to the public health, safety, welfare, and infrastructure, and that deer and small game hunting opportunities should be set aside and/or closed until the waters recede.
Effective January 14, 2020, areas set forth below shall be closed to all hunting except waterfowl.
• Mahannah Wildlife Management Area (WMA) waterfowl draw hunts are hereby canceled. Any associated areas within the Phil Bryant WMA, open to waterfowl draw hunts, are also hereby closed.
• Mahannah WMA will be open to waterfowl hunting DAILY.
• All hunting shall end at noon.
• Access will be managed on a day to day basis as the conditions change or permit.
• All portions of Mahannah WMA will be open to waterfowl hunting EXCEPT the waterfowl sanctuary.
• The main access road to the WMA headquarters is currently closed.
SO ORDERED, this the 14th day of January 2020.
By Ronnie Mott

Thursday, January 9, 2020

RIP Wishbone

My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini said that Wishbone got hit by a car recently.  But he wrote yesterday that this story is not over.  He knows the taxidermy place this buck was taken to.  

He is going to stop at the police station on Friday (tomorrow) and show them the live pics he has and the buck with a Michigan kill tag on it at the taxidermy place.  It makes him wonder why it has a kill tag on it and the other tag could be the taxidermy's tag.  He will get to the bottom of this and get the real story!!  He said I HATE POACHERS!!!  Road kills don't have kill tags on them!!! 

To be continued...

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Irwin In Heaven Meeting Animals!

By Artist Sharnia Sturm from Washington State but lives in Atlanta, Georgia, said her Instagram account became so flooded with responses it was deactivated.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Rick Small's Photo Of Buck In Snow!

Rick Small said - Don't get any better than an early morning photography hike, in the cold snow, with a mature buck as a model, giving you some really nice poses for your efforts...When it comes to my wildlife photography hobby, I live for moments/mornings like this ...God is good and so is life!  Congratulations on a very awesome picture of a buck in our great wild outdoors!

Papa Bear