Monday, December 20, 2021


Somebody needed some scratches this morning! My Facebook friend, Mike Persichini, is the deer whisperer.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Dominic Brings Home A Baby Deer

The moment a 4-year old boy (Dominic) brings home a baby deer that he befriends in the woods. His Mom (Stephanie) snapped a photo of the pair.  How sweet it is!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Best Advice



  1.  Don’t step on anything you can step over.
  2. Don’t look for deer, look for movement and remember that it’s what they’re looking for, too.
  3. Always approach from downwind.  In the cool of the day, move uphill; in the heat of the day, move downhill.
  4. The best camouflage pattern is called, “Sit down and be quiet!”  Your grandpa hunted deer in a red plaid coat.  Think about that for a second.
  5. Take only the gear to the field that allows you to hunt longer, harder, smarter.
  6. A rainstorm isn’t a reason to quit the hunt, it’s the reason to stay.
  7. Camouflage your appearance, your sound, and your scent.
  8. Be sure of your shot.  Nothing is more expensive than regret.
  9. Hunt where the deer actually are, not where you’d imagine them to be.
  10. Next year’s hunt begins the minute this season’s hunt ends.  ~Fred Bear

Friday, October 1, 2021

Taking A Two-Week Break

I will be taking a two-week break from blogging to spend time with my daughter who is coming to spend two weeks with me from North Carolina next Monday.  Looking forward to seeing her and enjoying our time together.  I will be back soon!  Take care and be safe!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Deer Hunitng Tips For Beginners

Robert Gate, Co-founder of put together an expert roundup post on "Deer hunting tips" and invited me to contribute.  It was an honor to be asked.  The question is:  For a new deer hunter, what are the top 3 keys to success?  

Papa Bear