Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kelsey Smith's 12 Point Buck

Talk about memories....
I have one that I would like to share with you. My name is Jeff Smith, I have two daughters that love the outdoors. They love to hunt and fish. Their names are Kelsey, age 14 and Anna age 11. This story is about Kelsey and her hunt. On Dec. 31, 2005, Kelsey and I got to our stand late around 4:20. We were hunting in a box stand in a 60 acre field with a food plot in one of the bottoms. Kelsey sat facing one direction and I watched the other way. At around 5:15 I heard some deer running in a thicket, then I saw them, 4 does with a large deer behind them. I told Kelsey to come get in my lap so she could see and maybe get a shot. The does came running out in the field and did not stop until they got around 275 yards. Then they stopped and looked back. Then we saw movement back in the thicket and saw it was a good buck. The does ran on out of the field and the buck just stood looking for them. The buck then came out in the field in a trot with his head down. Kelsey wanted to take a good shot so I tried to get the buck to stop by grunting with my mouth. I had to get really loud and the buck stopped and looked back. Kelsey made a great shot and dropped him in his tracks.
The shot was about 160 yards with her .243. Talk about making a Dad proud. The buck is a 12-point with a 19-inch spread and 6 ½ inch bases. The main beams are 25 ½ inches long. The deer weight is 210 lbs. We live in the West Lincoln Community around Brookhaven, Mississippi.
What a memory, 

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If I'm Not Hunting

So true!!!