Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Shadow On Deerstand

This is a picture I took a few years ago while I was still in a hunting camp in Claiborne County called, Jasper Bottom.  Unfortunately, after 25 years of hunting there, I had to get out of my camp because the fees went up so high.  I now hunt where ever I get invited.  This weekend is opening weekend for rifle season and I plan to hunt on my granddaughter's family land south of town.  The stand I am in above will be the one I will hunt out of.  We had it moved a couple of years ago to its new site.  I hunted out of it last season but did not see anything.  Hopefully, this weekend I will see and possibly get a deer.  I want to wish everyone that's already hunting or will soon be hunting to be safe and obey the laws of hunting in our great outdoors!


  1. Good Hunting to you too Marian! That looks like a great spot.

  2. Thanks CDGardens - I hope luck is on my side this weekend. We are low on deer meat! Thanks for coming by my site my friend! :)


Papa Bear