Monday, January 25, 2021

Blake "The Deer Slayer" Par Excellence

 Chad and Ashley Stone of Noxapater, MS, took their son, Blake to Selma, Alabama on a live hunt with Mr. Jackie Bushman of Buckmasters for a few days. The family said it was nice to be headed somewhere that isn’t hospital or doctor related.

Blake was so excited and counted down the days all week. It was originally going to be a big event with several kids but because of Covid, they had to make some adjustments.

Blake is shown with his very nice 170 lb., 17" buck. The spread scored 130. It's the biggest one killed out of all the hunts this year, they said.

Blake is shown here with Mr. Jackie Bushman of Buckmasters!

My congratulations to Blake on a job well done in our great wild Mississippi outdoors!  Awesomeness!

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